One of the all-time great nautical adventures is the Hornblower series depicting British Empire naval action at its best. There’s cutlasses and muskets aplenty, just as you’d expect. Less expected, but very welcome is a highly detailed account of life aboard ships-of-the-line, complete with the deck operations necessary for sailing the huge square riggers. Hot-blooded! Salty! Avast there . . . .(The same author wrote the African Queen.)
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Reading
##A 09 224638 6
##T Hornblower Saga
Hornblower Saga
Hornblower Saga
C. S. Forester
1966-1978; 300 pp.
$7.95 each ($9.45 each postpaid) from:
Little, Brown & Co.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
Fourteen volumes. Audio version of Commodore Hornblower available; go to last card of this review for access info and sound clip.